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Awareness. Advocacy. Action.

Political Action


Throughout our history, we have made political action a major priority. Making the political system more responsive was our first step in addressing many of the issues facing our communities. Our early activities focused primarily on increasing the number of minorities in the State legislature as a source of empowerment and access to the seats of power.  

We held political forums to disseminate information on the issues and the candidates.  Records document our support of civil rights legend, Mr. Henry Kirksey, who was vital to major change in the political makeup of our government.  Our volunteer coordination of the inaugural gala held for the newly elected state legislators was a tribute to the organization as well as the legislators.  Few of the early candidates were elected without our fundraising events, forums and the get out the vote drives.  Women for Progress use the open forum to bring about a pro/con discussion of issues. All candidates are interviewed, and all relevant issues examined. Voter participation and voter awareness are our major concerns.  See the Political Power & Participation Committee for more recent work.




Women for Progress desires to disseminate facts and information that will ensure fair and equitable treatment for all.  Women for Progress have assisted students in the public schools in securing books, teaching materials and supplies. Many activists have served as resource speakers, mentors, and tutors. The Education Committee's goals are to create strategies for WFP to engage itself with the quality of educational services provided to all school-aged residents by the Jackson Public Schools and Charter Schools; explore developing programs to provide assistance and recognition to teachers; monitor educational policy; explore means WFP may use their resources to help strengthen cooperation among city and state government, private  enterprise, and institutions of higher learning, to provide students with the necessary education, training, and skills for further education and  future career opportunities in the economy.


Economic Development


Women for Progress facilitates the upward mobility of minorities. Following the principle of cooperative economics activists support minority business and economic development.  These activities are currently administered through the Women's Business & Entrepreneur's Network.


Cultural Advancement


The eradication of cultural and racial stereotypes was a necessary step in the promotion of social and personal change.  The celebration of Kwanzaa became our major thrust in promotion and celebration of the greatness of our African American history and heritage. Understanding cultural differences is crucial to the process of racial reconciliation and the eradication of racism, sexism and genderism.  Sankofa Reading Group is an auxillary of Women for Progress of MS, Inc.  The group meets monthly or quarterly to discuss selected readings on a variety of topics and authors. Our current president, Mrs. Willie Jones created a weekly radio program, Women for Progress Radio, originally hosted on WMPR 90.1 FM to effectuate change, Now a national network available on all social media platforms, radio & podcasts networks.

Contact Us

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P.O. BOX 1548 | JACKSON, MS 39215



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